I once spent time in the square of Oaxaca, Mexico . I try to find places off the beaten path yet realized quickly the tourist relaxing in the square were of the same cut as I . They had flown in from around the world and were taking buses and trains and even hitchhiking Mexico. Our conversations were not of fancy drinks , beaches or souvenir shops but of people and life. It was the only place in my life I have ever sat at a table and knew I was going to enjoy the company of the next person.
Why are some drawn so far away from home, not to climb a mountain or swim in coral reefs but to experience life. Are we , the carriers of the capitalistic torch , so in tune with life that the only thing left to experience or conquer is reefs, rivers and mountains?
I have spent a lot of time in back roads of 3rd worlds. I have seen children beg for water and mothers offer their starving child yet I did not learn from that . I only felt guilty . I have given everything in my suitcase and every thing I could part with in my car to these people , yet again I only felt guilty . I then realized a secret . Give them my alpha. They envision us almost as gods. We have everything and surely lack nothing , yet when you peel an apple for grandpa or play jacks with rocks with the children they begin seeing the common ground. If you can then give them alpha and they accept letting your sorry ass in the building you will start to see magic.
The safer we are and the more we have, the more we live in the future instead of the moment . The United States is a country which lives in the future sense. We give up here and now for what we expect to have in the future. Those with nothing and empty bellies do not have this luxury and live in the moment.. There is nothing more magical than living in the moment .. A very simple example is tell someone they had a very pretty dress on last week at dinner and they will feel warmth . Tell them they have a very pretty dress on and their soul will purrr. The moment is the art of life . The past and future tense is a description of it .
I am leaving for Guyana in a few days. I chose it because it was the lowest standard of living country which spoke English. My suitcase is packed with photography equipment and mother Peep and 10 boxes of pink and yellow marshmallow peeps. Using peeps in photography is like walking a beach with a cute puppy . It disarms.
Stay tuned , I would enjoy sharing this experience with you .