Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is probably my last guyana blog. I feel I hit the nail on the head for the reasons I came here and far more. I have as strong a network of friends and people as I have managed to build in Galveston in 15 years . I know I am coming back to the states a stronger solider person . I have seen humanity in a form that I was not sure still or ever existed . I am sure now comfort easily leads to gout of the soul. Neurotic was my favorite word before I came here. It seems so distant as I pack yet jets remove distance . I can deal with this. I have direction more than ever in my life. This is not all about me . I took the time to photograph and blog to try to share this experience because I firmly believe we are all in this together. One side does not have more to offer but one side can dramatically alter the fate of the other . They say a butterflies wings fluttering a few miles from me right now can change the weather dramatically at the very place you are sitting thousands of miles from me . Believe in that .BLESSUANDNJOYMMFGUYANA thelandwherecloudsareborn
p.s. I am still not totally sure how and why but I have traveled 3rd world alone and in new territory for 23 days. I have been pickpocket at least two times . I have been verbally attacked in fairly proper ways a couple time. Not once , never have I got upset , frustrated . Never not once have I not shown the deepest humanity I could muster from within myself in every person I could touch . Even the guyanse people have noticed it and admire it in me. My night doorman stated you have looked very tired as you have came and gone morning and evenings yet you have always consistently carried a warm smile. I have never seen this before from foreigners. Pat myself on the back. p.s. I have been busy tying up loose ends before I left and it is not very exciting . I have written some things down as I had time . I am going to post the lot of it .

The coast of Guyana is made up of blacks Slaves and indentured East Indians . The interior is amerindians who are indigenous and poorest of all . The east Indian culture is more capitalistic driven and have a high percentage of the wealth . This causes a friction . Most of the politics are divided between black parties and east Indian . This causes more friction . Inflation in Guyana has made life more difficult. A school teacher and policeman type income is equal to the cost of renting a home. I rent in the usa and your rent should never be more than 25% of your income. I feel certain the country has potential great wealth . Everything cost more here than the states and people have little money . Bananas even cost more here. Its crazy . I saw a similar direction in Haiti. People who could not afford food still did not try to grow a garden yet they were willing to work hard . I have not witnessed verbal or physical dissent between the blacks and east Indians. They both have “ scruples, are proper and seem to coexist . However strong the clash between the blacks and east Indians are here , in Georgetown it is obvious the 2 cultures have mingled and dittiled a bit. The product is very likely the most beautiful women (and men ) on earth . Think about it . The profile of a hindu is a long thin face with long thin nose and big eyes. Add the toned muscular, full boned features of a black woman and you get an AMAZON woman . I think as a child there was wonder woman and Amazon woman .. Well I can tell you Amazon woman got more jaw drops. Even with the culture clash I feel both sides agree with this.. Guyana has a reputation of corrupt government . I would not be surprised at all to find that every movement of the government as a bit of padding in it . It is how things work here. I doubt if it is worse than the federal government in the states with all their lobbying and favoritism . I feel the real problem in Guyana is the inability to efficiently combine the whole system together to make it work . An example is china. Cheap labor is not the only reason industry is in china(viva la Nixon) .The ability to get raw material in and product out is more important than just labor. Remember a tomato and chicken grown in Guyana cost more in Guyana than a tomato and chicken grown in the states cost in the states. That implies much padding and inefficiency . Add to this the biggest industry other than sugarcane in Guyana was the bauxite plant and the union there was incredible strong in its hay day . These Guyanese people actually threw their masters out of the country not many years ago .The slave owners are gone . In the process the whole system broke down . Today they question if they did not go to far , yet I feel the people of this country can unite in a way which people in the states can not do . I would not be surprised if world wide industry does not view Guyana as a country in which enslavement will never happen again and weighs it as they capitalize on poor countries. There is a love for the states which is beyond belief. I am sure all poor countries want to come to the states because of the lollipop rags to riches theory , yet it is more . I am here during the Somalia pirate clash . They refer to it like father has arrived and the bad guys will be gone. I have seen more tv states news here than in the states. It is everywhere you go and no closed captions blasting wide open . Obama came to nearby Trinidad last week. The average chest girth in Guyana bulged several inches during his visit. Rumors flew that he had visited Guyana. Maybe dreams flew. Did Obama really make the statement “ who’s that guy they call Calvin”?

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